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Julia Evans

Category: recurse center 2013

How I spent my time at the Recurse Center How I did Hacker School: ignoring things I understand and doing the impossible Hacker School's Secret Strategy for Being Super Productive (or: Help.) "How was Hacker School?" Day 46: Never Graduate Day 45: I now have Rust code for executing executables! Day 44: qemu + gdb = so great Day 43: SOMETHING IS ERASING MY PROGRAM WHILE IT’S RUNNING (oh wait oops) Day 42: How to run a simple ELF executable, from scratch (I don't know) Day 41: Linkers are upsetting Day 39: Writing malloc wrong, for fun Day 40: 12 things I learned today about linkers. Day 40: Linkers are amazing. Day 38: After 6 days, I have problems that I can't understand at all Day 37: After 5 days, my OS doesn't crash when I press a key Day 36: On programming without malloc Day 35: Types in Rust, for beginners How to call Rust from assembly, and vice versa Videos from PyData NYC are up! What happens when you run 'Hello, world' Writing a kernel using rustboot & rust-core Day 34b: Writing curl using my TCP stack Day 34: The tiniest operating system Day 33: How to make music with ClojureScript Day 32: Magical Orchestra!!! Day 31: Binary trees with core.logic! Day 30: Making music in Clojure with Overtone. Clojure bugs with laziness! Fun! Day 29: Trying out Emacs! Day 28: Made a git workflow visualization webapp! Day 27: Automatically testing changes in state! Visualizing my Git workflow! Floats! Day 25: ACK all the things Day 26: Trying to describe the TCP state machine in a readable way. Failing. Women in Technology workshop at PyData NYC Day 24: Unit testing this TCP library Day 22: Got some TCP packets back! Day 23: Started writing a TCP stack in Python NYC Python talk Day 21: Trying to TCP Day 19: A few reasons why networking is hard Day 20: Traceroute in 15 lines of code using Scapy Day 18: ARP cache poisoning (or: In ur connection, sniffing ur packets) Day 17: How to write a buffer overflow exploit Day 16: gzip + poetry = awesome Do Rails programmers use node.js? Visualizing correlations in command usage Day 15: How a .gz file is structured, redux Day 14: When it's hard to write tests, that's when I should be testing Day 13: Off by one errors Day 12: Why Julia likes Julia Day 10: Goals. Goals? Maybe I need to be *reading* more code? Day 11: How does gzip work? Day 9: Bytecode is made of bytes! CPython isn't scary! Day 8: Julia writes Julia! And remembers that open source is hard. Day 7: An echo server in Clojure Day 6: I wrote a rootkit! Day 5: I wrote a kernel module!!! Where to find bike sharing systems' data feeds Day 4: Processes vs threads, and kernel modules! Day 3: What does the Linux kernel even do? Day 2: netcat fun! Day 1: What does a shell even do? Hacker School Day 1: Messing around with the stack in C Hacker School Day -4: unit testing in C. checkmk!