Julia Evans

Day 31: Binary trees with core.logic!


In the morning I paired with Will Byrd on some logic programming. We worked on implementing binary search trees with core.logic in Clojure. We got somewhere! My favorite thing about logic programming is that all the functions end with ‘o’.

Here is what our code looked like:

(ns core-logic-search-tree.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
   [clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]
   [clojure.core.logic :refer [== fresh conde run]]))

(def my-tree
  [:value 6
   :left [:value 4
          :left [:value 3 :left nil :right nil]
          :right [:value 5 :left nil :right nil]]
   :right nil])

(defn containso [tree x]
   (fresh [v l r]
           (fd/in v (fd/interval 0 2000))
           (== tree [:value v :left l :right r])
            [(fd/== v x)]
            [(fd/> v x) (containso l x)]
            [(fd/< v x) (containso r x)])))

Then we could run

(run 1 [q] (containso my-tree 3))

and it would say that the tree contains 3. Which is okay! But the really fun part is that you can run it “backwards” and ask

(run 10 [q] (containso q 3))

and get 10 trees that contain 3:

[:value 3 :left _0 :right _1]
[:value 4 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2]
[:value 0 :left _0 :right [:value 3 :left _1 :right _2]]
[:value 5 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2]
[:value 6 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2]
[:value 1 :left _0 :right [:value 3 :left _1 :right _2]]
[:value 7 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2]
[:value 8 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2]
[:value 2 :left _0 :right [:value 3 :left _1 :right _2]]
[:value 9 :left [:value 3 :left _0 :right _1] :right _2])

If you inspect carefully, you will see that those are all binary trees and they all contain 3! =)

I am also doing magical music magic with Lyndsey, but that will have to wait until tomorrow

Day 30: Making music in Clojure with Overtone. Clojure bugs with laziness! Fun! Day 32: Magical Orchestra!!!