There was Linux Kernel Club again yesterday! We spent about half our time having Daphne explain the difference between a process and a thread which clarified my brain a bit. Here’s what I understood:
Processes each have their own PID and address space, threads share the PID and address space of a single process.
What is address space?
Each process has a piece of memory that it’s allowed to use, so that processes can’t step on each others’ toes.
This includes
- the code or text of the program
- the program’s data (strings and constants)
- the heap (grows dynamically, where the memory allocated using
lives) - the stack (a fixed size, where local variables and functions calls live. Relevant terms: stack overflow, stack trace)
- the environment variables
- the command line arguments
There also appear to be a bunch more things listed on this page on I’m not sure what most of them mean, but see the list starting with ``The meaning of each of the field in this sizable struct is as follows: “.
Why threads?
Good things:
- They can communicate more easily between each other, because they can just write to the same memory
- Don’t need to make a copy of the address space for each new thread
Bad things:
- Because they write to the same memory, you can have all kinds of race conditions. So you need to use mutexes and things.
Kernel modules
We also talked about kernel modules. The consensus was that writing a kernel module is a really good way to get started with Linux kernel development, so I think I’m going to try to write one on Monday!
We talked a bit about exploits and rootkits and dastardly things that kernel modules can do.