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Julia Evans

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What happens when you start a process on Linux? Getting things done Learning systems programming with Rust How do you decide what to work on? Linux debugging tools I love Why do we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack? How to spy on a Ruby program TIL: clock skew exists Why I ❤ Rust Things you should know about stock options before negotiating an offer How to trick a neural network into thinking a panda is a vulture How I got better at debugging Why you should understand (a little) about TCP A millisecond isn't fast (and how we made it 100x faster) How gzip uses Huffman coding How I learned to program in 10 years Diving into concurrency: trying out mutexes and atomics How does SQLite work? Part 1: pages! What happens if you write a TCP stack in Python? Computers are *fast*! Don't feel guilty about not contributing to open source Debug your programs like they're closed source! Writing an OS in Rust in tiny steps (Steps 1-5) 4 paths to being a kernel hacker Questions I'm asking in interviews When is "guys" gender neutral? I did a survey! A pandas cookbook Day 43: SOMETHING IS ERASING MY PROGRAM WHILE IT’S RUNNING (oh wait oops) Day 37: After 5 days, my OS doesn't crash when I press a key Day 36: On programming without malloc What happens when you run 'Hello, world' Day 20: Traceroute in 15 lines of code using Scapy Day 16: gzip + poetry = awesome