Category: rbspy
Documentation site for rbspy! Prototyping an ltrace clone using eBPF Profiler week 6/7: more experiments, and a `report` subcommand! Profiler week 5: Mac support, experiments profiling memory allocations Writing eBPF tracing tools in Rust Spying on a Ruby process's memory allocations with eBPF Profiler week 4: callgrind support, containers, Mac progress! I think I found a Mac kernel bug? How do you spy on a program running in a container? How do you read the memory maps of a Mac process? Profiler week 3: refactoring, better testing, and an alpha release! Profiler week 2: support for 1.9.3 -> 2.5.0, and line numbers! Should I pause a Ruby process to collect its stack? Profiler adventures: resolving symbol addresses is hard! Profiler week 1: testing & profiling stripped binaries How are Ruby's headers different from Python's headers? How often do Ruby's stack struct definitions change? How do Ruby & Python profilers work? ★ How to spy on a Ruby program