git links
A bunch of links of things related to git. Not remotely exhaustive, just some things that keep coming up over and over again and that I want to be able to find again.
critiques of git
- Gitless (see linked papers)
- notes from lazygit
- How to undo (almost) anything in git
- An empirical investigation of command-line customization
- Git Koans
- Why git is hard by Nick Fagerlund
cheat sheets
- Oh Shit, Git by Katie Sylor-Miller
games & playgrounds
- Learn Git Branching
- Oh My Git by blinry & bleeptrack
explanations of git’s internals
- Git From The Bottom Up (pdf) by John Wiegley.
- Git from the inside out by Mary Rose Cook (as well as gitlet)
- Think Like a Git by Sam Livingston-Gray
- Git For Ages 4 and up
- Things I think everyone should know about git by Mark Dominus
- Building Git by James Coglan
- GitUp (Mac-only GUI)
- Magit (emacs)
- lazygit (terminal UI)
- GitHub Desktop
git-compatible version control systems
These use the same storage mechanism as git but provide a different interface