Julia Evans

Some Go web dev notes

I spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks working on a website in Go that may or may not ever see the light of day, but I learned a couple of things along the way I wanted to write down. Here they are:

go 1.22 now has better routing

I’ve never felt motivated to learn any of the Go routing libraries (gorilla/mux, chi, etc), so I’ve been doing all my routing by hand, like this.

	// DELETE /records:
	case r.Method == "DELETE" && n == 1 && p[0] == "records":
		if !requireLogin(username, r.URL.Path, r, w) {
		deleteAllRecords(ctx, username, rs, w, r)
	// POST /records/<ID>
	case r.Method == "POST" && n == 2 && p[0] == "records" && len(p[1]) > 0:
		if !requireLogin(username, r.URL.Path, r, w) {
		updateRecord(ctx, username, p[1], rs, w, r)

But apparently as of Go 1.22, Go now has better support for routing in the standard library, so that code can be rewritten something like this:

	mux.HandleFunc("DELETE /records/", app.deleteAllRecords)
	mux.HandleFunc("POST /records/{record_id}", app.updateRecord)

Though it would also need a login middleware, so maybe something more like this, with a requireLogin middleware.

	mux.Handle("DELETE /records/", requireLogin(http.HandlerFunc(app.deleteAllRecords)))

sqlc automatically generates code for my db queries

I got a little bit tired of writing so much boilerplate for my SQL queries, but I didn’t really feel like learning an ORM, because I know what SQL queries I want to write, and I didn’t feel like learning the ORM’s conventions for translating things into SQL queries.

But then I found sqlc, which will compile a query like this:

-- name: GetVariant :one
FROM variants
WHERE id = ?;

into Go code like this:

const getVariant = `-- name: GetVariant :one
SELECT id, created_at, updated_at, disabled, product_name, variant_name
FROM variants
WHERE id = ?

func (q *Queries) GetVariant(ctx context.Context, id int64) (Variant, error) {
	row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getVariant, id)
	var i Variant
	err := row.Scan(
	return i, err

What I like about this is that if I’m ever unsure about what Go code to write for a given SQL query, I can just write the query I want, read the generated function and it’ll tell me exactly what to do to call it. It feels much easier to me than trying to dig through the ORM’s documentation to figure out how to construct the SQL query I want.

Reading Brandur’s sqlc notes from 2024 also gave me some confidence that this is a workable path for my tiny programs. That post gives a really helpful example of how to conditionally update fields in a table using CASE statements (for example if you have a table with 20 columns and you only want to update 3 of them).

sqlite tips

Someone on Mastodon linked me to this post called Optimizing sqlite for servers. My projects are small and I’m not so concerned about performance, but my main takeaways were:

  • have a dedicated object for writing to the database, and run db.SetMaxOpenConns(1) on it. I learned the hard way that if I don’t do this then I’ll get SQLITE_BUSY errors from two threads trying to write to the db at the same time.
  • if I want to make reads faster, I could have 2 separate db objects, one for writing and one for reading

There are a more tips in that post that seem useful (like “COUNT queries are slow” and “Use STRICT tables”), but I haven’t done those yet.

Also sometimes if I have two tables where I know I’ll never need to do a JOIN beteween them, I’ll just put them in separate databases so that I can connect to them independently.

Go 1.19 introduced a way to set a GC memory limit

I run all of my Go projects in VMs with relatively little memory, like 256MB or 512MB. I ran into an issue where my application kept getting OOM killed and it was confusing – did I have a memory leak? What?

After some Googling, I realized that maybe I didn’t have a memory leak, maybe I just needed to reconfigure the garbage collector! It turns out that by default (according to A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector), Go’s garbage collector will let the application allocate memory up to 2x the current heap size.

Mess With DNS’s base heap size is around 170MB and the amount of memory free on the VM is around 160MB right now, so if its memory doubled, it’ll get OOM killed.

In Go 1.19, they added a way to tell Go “hey, if the application starts using this much memory, run a GC”. So I set the GC memory limit to 250MB and it seems to have resulted in the application getting OOM killed less often:

export GOMEMLIMIT=250MiB

some reasons I like making websites in Go

I’ve been making tiny websites (like the nginx playground) in Go on and off for the last 4 years or so and it’s really been working for me. I think I like it because:

  • there’s just 1 static binary, all I need to do to deploy it is copy the binary
  • there’s a built-in webserver that’s okay to use in production, so I don’t need to configure WSGI or whatever to get it to work
  • Go’s toolchain is very easy to install, I can just do apt-get install golang-go or whatever and then a go build will build my project
  • it feels like there’s very little to remember to start sending HTTP responses – basically all there is are functions like Serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) which read the request and send a response. If I need to remember some detail of how exactly that’s accomplished, I just have to read the function!
  • also net/http is in the standard library, so you can start making websites without installing any libraries at all. I really appreciate this one.
  • Go is a pretty systems-y language, so if I need to run an ioctl or something that’s easy to do

In general everything about it feels like it makes projects easy to work on for 5 days, abandon for 2 years, and then get back into writing code without a lot of problems.

For contrast, I’ve tried to learn Rails a couple of times and I really want to love Rails – I’ve made a couple of toy websites in Rails and it’s always felt like a really magical experience. But ultimately when I come back to those projects I can’t remember how anything works and I just end up giving up. It feels easier to me to come back to my Go projects that are full of a lot of repetitive boilerplate, because at least I can read the code and figure out how it works.

it’s cool to see the new features Go has been adding

Both of the Go features I mentioned in this post (GOMEMLIMIT and the routing) are new in the last couple of years and I didn’t notice when they came out. It makes me think I should pay closer attention to the release notes for new Go versions.

Reasons I still love the fish shell