A toy DNS resolver
Hello! I wrote a comic last week called “life of a DNS query” that explains how DNS resolvers work.
In this post, I want to explain how DNS resolvers work in a different way –
with a short Go program that does the same thing described in the comic.
The main function (resolve
) is actually just 20 lines, including comments.
I usually find it easier to understand things work when they come in the form of programs that I can run and modify and poke at, so hopefully this program will be helpful to some of you.
The program is here: https://github.com/jvns/tiny-resolver/blob/main/resolve.go
what’s a DNS resolver?
When your browser needs to make a DNS query, it asks a DNS resolvers. When they start, DNS resolvers don’t know any DNS records (except the IP addresses of the root nameservers). But they do know how to find DNS records for you.
Here’s the “life of a DNS query” comic, which explains how DNS resolvers find DNS records for you.

we’ll use a library for parsing DNS packets.
I’m not going to write this completely from scratch – I think parsing DNS packets is really interesting, but it’s definitely more than 80 lines of code, and I find that it kind of distracts from the algorithm.
I really recommend writing a toy DNS resolver that actually does the parsing of DNS packets if you want to learn about binary protocols though, it’s really fun and it’s a totally doable to get something basic working in a weekend.
So I’ve used https://github.com/miekg/dns for creating and parsing the DNS packets.
DNS responses contain 4 sections
You might think of DNS queries as just being a question and an answer (“what’s
the IP for example.com
? It’s
!). But actually DNS responses
contain 4 sections, and we need to use all 4 sections to write our DNS
resolver. So let’s explain what they are.
Here’s the Msg
struct from the miekg/dns
library, which lists the sections.
type Msg struct {
Compress bool `json:"-"` // If true, the message will be compressed when converted to wire format.
Question []Question // Holds the RR(s) of the question section.
Answer []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the answer section.
Ns []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the authority section.
Extra []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the additional section.
Section 1: Question. This is the section you use when you’re creating a
query. There’s not much to it – it just has a query name (like jvns.ca.
), a
type (like A
, but encoded as an integer), and a class (which is always the
same these days, “internet”).
Here’s what the Question struct miekg/dns
looks like:
type Question struct {
Name string `dns:"cdomain-name"` // "cdomain-name" specifies encoding (and may be compressed)
Qtype uint16
Qclass uint16
Section 2: Answer. When you make a request like this:
$ dig +short google.com
the IP address
comes from the Answer section.
The Answer, Authority, and Additional sections all contain DNS records. Different types of records have different formats, but they all contain a name, type, class, and TTL
Here’s what the shared header looks like in miekg/dns
type RR_Header struct {
Name string `dns:"cdomain-name"`
Rrtype uint16
Class uint16
Ttl uint32
Rdlength uint16 // Length of data after header.
“RR” stands for “Resource Record”.
Section 3: Authority. When a nameserver redirects you to another server
(“ask a.iana-servers.net
instead!”), this is the section it uses. miekg/dns
calls this section Ns
instead of Authority
, I guess because it contains
Here’s an example of an record in the Authority section of a DNS response.
$ dig +noall +authority @h.root-servers.net example.com
com. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net.
com. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net.
The Authority section can also contain SOA records but that’s not relevant to this post so I’m not going to talk about that.
Section 4: Additional. This is where “glue records” live. What’s a glue record? Well, basically when a nameserver redirects you to another server, often it’ll include the IP address of that server as well.
Here are the glue records from the same query above.
$ dig +noall +additional @h.root-servers.net example.com
a.gtld-servers.net. 172800 IN A
b.gtld-servers.net. 172800 IN A
There are other things in the Additional section as well, not just glue records, but they’re not relevant to this blog post so I’m not going to talk about them.
the basic resolve
function is pretty short
Now that we’ve talked about the different sections in a DNS response, I can explain the resolver code.
Let’s jump into the main function for resolving a name to an IP address.
here is a domain name, like example.com.
func resolve(name string) net.IP {
// We always start with a root nameserver
nameserver := net.ParseIP("")
for {
reply := dnsQuery(name, nameserver)
if ip := getAnswer(reply); ip != nil { // look in the "Answer" section
// Best case: we get an answer to our query and we're done
return ip
} else if nsIP := getGlue(reply); nsIP != nil { // look in the "Additional" section
// Second best: we get a "glue record" with the *IP address* of
// another nameserver to query
nameserver = nsIP
} else if domain := getNS(reply); domain != "" { // look in the "Authority" section
// Third best: we get the *domain name* of another nameserver to
// query, which we can look up the IP for
nameserver = resolve(domain)
} else {
// If there's no A record we just panic, this is not a very good
// resolver :)
panic("something went wrong")
Here’s what that resolve
function is doing:
- We start with the root nameserver
- Then we do a loop:
- Query the nameserver and parse the response
- Look in the “Answer” section for a response. If we find one, we’re done
- Look in the “Additional” section for a glue record. If we find one, use that as the nameserver for the next query
- Look in the “Authority” section for a nameserver domain. If we find one, look up its IP and then use that IP as the nameserver for the next query
That’s basically the whole program. There are a few helper functions to get records out of the DNS response and to make DNS queries but I don’t think they’re that interesting so I won’t explain them.
the output
The resolver prints out all DNS queries it made, and the record it used to figure out what query to make it next.
It prints out dig -r @SERVER DOMAIN
for each query even though it’s not
actually using dig
to make the query because I liked being able to run
the same query myself from the command line to see the response myself, for
debugging purposes.
just means “ignore what’s in .digrc
”, it’s there because I have some
options in my .digrc
(+noall +answer
) that I wanted to disable when
Let’s look at 3 examples of the output.
example 1: jvns.ca
$ go run resolve.go jvns.ca.
dig -r @ jvns.ca.
any.ca-servers.ca. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ jvns.ca.
jvns.ca. 86400 IN NS art.ns.cloudflare.com.
dig -r @ art.ns.cloudflare.com.
a.gtld-servers.net. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ art.ns.cloudflare.com.
ns3.cloudflare.com. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ art.ns.cloudflare.com.
art.ns.cloudflare.com. 900 IN A
dig -r @ jvns.ca.
jvns.ca. 256 IN A
We can see it had to make 6 DNS queries, 3 to look up jvns.ca
and 3 to look up jvns.ca
’s nameserver, art.ns.cloudflare.com
example 2: archive.org
$ go run resolve.go archive.org.
dig -r @ archive.org.
a0.org.afilias-nst.info. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ archive.org.
ns1.archive.org. 86400 IN A
dig -r @ archive.org.
archive.org. 300 IN A
This one only had to make 3 DNS queries. This is because there was a glue
record available for archive.org’s nameserver (ns1.archive.org.
example 3: www.maths.ox.ac.uk
One last example: let’s look up www.maths.ox.ac.uk
. There’s a reason for this one, I promise!
dig -r @ www.maths.ox.ac.uk.
dns1.nic.uk. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ www.maths.ox.ac.uk.
ac.uk. 172800 IN NS ns0.ja.net.
dig -r @ ns0.ja.net.
e.gtld-servers.net. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ ns0.ja.net.
ns0.ja.net. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ ns0.ja.net.
ns0.ja.net. 86400 IN A
dig -r @ www.maths.ox.ac.uk.
ns2.ja.net. 86400 IN A
dig -r @ www.maths.ox.ac.uk.
www.maths.ox.ac.uk. 300 IN A
This makes 7 DNS queries, which is more than jvns.ca
, which only needed
6. Why does it make 7 DNS queries instead of 6?
Well, it’s because there are 4 nameservers involved in resolving www.maths.ox.ac.uk
instead of 3. They are:
- the
nameserver - the
nameserver - the
nameserver - the
You could even imagine there being a 5th one (a maths.ox.ac.uk.
nameserver), but there isn’t in this case.
jvns.ca only involves 3 nameservers:
- the
nameserver - the
nameserver - the
real DNS resolvers actually make more queries than this
When my resolver resolves reddit.com.
, it only makes 3 DNS queries.
$ go run resolve.go reddit.com.
dig -r @ reddit.com.
e.gtld-servers.net. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ reddit.com.
ns-378.awsdns-47.com. 172800 IN A
dig -r @ reddit.com.
reddit.com. 300 IN A
But when unbound
(the actual DNS resolver that I have running on my laptop)
resolves reddit.com, it makes more DNS queries. I captured them with tcpdump
to see what they were.
This tcpdump
output might be a little illegible because well, that’s how
tcpdump is, but hopefully it makes some sense.
Unbound skips the first step, because it has the address of the com.
nameserver cached. Then the next 2 queries unbound
makes are exactly the
same as my tiny Go resolver, except that it sends its first query to
instead of e.gtld-servers.net
12:38:35.479222 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.19946 > k.gtld-servers.net.domain: 51686% [1au] A? reddit.com. (39)
12:38:35.757033 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.29111 > ns-378.awsdns-47.com.domain: 8859% [1au] A? reddit.com. (39)
But then it keeps making DNS queries, even after it’s done resolving reddit.com
12:38:35.757033 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.29111 > ns-378.awsdns-47.com.domain: 8859% [1au] A? reddit.com. (39)
12:38:35.757396 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.31913 > ns-1775.awsdns-29.co.uk.domain: 54236% [1au] A? ns-378.awsdns-47.com. (49)
12:38:35.757761 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.62059 > g.gtld-servers.net.domain: 28793% [1au] A? awsdns-05.net. (42)
12:38:35.757955 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.34743 > b0.org.afilias-nst.org.domain: 24975% [1au] A? awsdns-00.org. (42)
12:38:35.758051 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.8977 > a0.org.afilias-nst.info.domain: 53387% [1au] A? awsdns-00.org. (42)
12:38:35.758285 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.11376 > j.gtld-servers.net.domain: 41181% [1au] A? awsdns-05.net. (42)
12:38:35.775497 wlp3s0 In IP ns-378.awsdns-47.com.domain > pomegranate.29111: 8859*-$ 4/4/1 A, A, A, A (240)
12:38:35.775948 lo In IP localhost.domain > localhost.34429: 4033 4/0/1 A, A, A, A (103)
# now it's done -- it returned its DNS response!
# but it keeps making queries about reddit.com's nameservers...
12:38:35.843811 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.44738 > ns-706.awsdns-24.net.domain: 14817% [1au] A? ns-1029.awsdns-00.org. (50)
12:38:35.845563 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.55655 > ns-1027.awsdns-00.org.domain: 3120% [1au] A? ns-1029.awsdns-00.org. (50)
12:38:36.017618 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.53397 > ns-775.awsdns-32.net.domain: 32671% [1au] A? ns-557.awsdns-05.net. (49)
12:38:36.045151 wlp3s0 Out IP pomegranate.40525 > ns-454.awsdns-56.com.domain: 20823% [1au] A? ns-557.awsdns-05.net. (49)
So that’s kind of interesting. I guess it makes sense that unbound would want to cache more nameserver addresses in case it needs them in the future. Or maybe that’s what the DNS specification says to do?
is this a “recursive” program?
DNS resolvers are often called “recursive nameservers”. I’ve stopped using that
terminology myself in explanations, but as far as I can tell, this is because
the resolve
function is often a recursive function.
And the resolve
function I wrote is definitely recursive! But I ran this
program on 500 different domains, and these are the number of times it
- Sometimes 0 times (the function never calls itself)
- Sometimes 1 time (the function calls itself once, to look up the IP address of one nameserver)
- Very rarely 2 times (like for example to resolve
right now it needs to look upr.au.
, theneur2.akam.net.
) - So far, never 3 times
Maybe there’s a domain that this function would recurse more than 2 times on, but I don’t know.
You definitely could write this program in a way that recurses more, by replacing the loop with more recursion. And then it would recurse 3 or 6 or 7 or 9 times, depending on the domain. But to me the loop feels easier to read so I wrote it with a loop instead.
a bash version of this resolver
I wanted to see if it was possible to write a DNS resolver in 10-15 lines of bash, similarly to this short “run a container” script
The program I came up with was kind of too long in the end (it’s about 36 lines), but here it is anyway. It uses the exact same algorithm as the Go program.
The bash version is even more janky and uses grep
in very questionable ways
but it did resolve every domain I tried which is cool.
It actually helped me write the Go resolver (which I actually started back in November but got stuck on) because bash’s limitations forced me to simplify the design and simplifying it fixed a bug I was running into.
how is this different from a “real” DNS resolver?
Obviously this is only 80 lines so there are a lot of differences between this and a “real” DNS resolver. Here are a few:
- it only handles A records, not other record types
- specifically it doesn’t handle CNAME records (though you can easily add CNAME support with just another 12 lines of code)
- it always only returns one A record even if there are more
- it has absolutely no ability to handle errors like “there were no A records” (the Go program just panics)
- the way it handles the glue records is a bit sketchy, probably it should check that they match the nameservers in the “Authority” section or something. It seems to work though.
- DNS resolvers are usually servers, this is a command line program
- it doesn’t validate DNSSEC or whatever
- it doesn’t do caching
- it doesn’t try a different nameserver if one of the domain’s nameservers isn’t working and times out the DNS query
- like we mentioned above, unbound seems to look up the addresses of all the nameservers for a domain
- probably there are other bugs and ways it violates the DNS spec that I don’t know about
tiny versions of real programs are fun
As usual I always learn something from writing tiny versions of real programs. I’ve written this program before but I think this version is better than the first version I wrote.
In 2020 I ran a 2-day workshop with my friend Allison called “Domain Name
Saturday” where all the participants wrote DNS resolvers. Basically the idea
was that you implement the algorithm described in this post, as well as the
binary parsing pieces that the miekg/dns
library handles here. At some point
I want to write up that workshop so that other people could run it, because it
was really fun.
One question I still have is – are there domains where the resolve
would recurse 3 times or more on? Obviously you could manufacture such a domain
by making it intentionally have to go through a bunch of hoops, but.. do they
exist in the real world?