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Julia Evans

What's a network interface?

I’ve been working with container networking a bunch this week. When learning about new unfamiliar stuff (like container networking / virtual ethernet devices / bridges / iptables), I often realize that I don’t fully understand something much more fundamental.

This week, that thing was: network interfaces!!

You know, when you run ifconfig and it lists devices like lo, eth0, br0, docker0, wlan0, or whatever. Those.

This is a thing I thought I understood but it turns out there are at least 2 things I didn’t know about them.

I’m not going to try to give you a crisp definition, instead we’re going to make some observations, do some experiments, ask some questions, and make some guesses.

What happens if you don’t have any network interfaces?

I was messing around with network namespaces, and I created a new one with:

sudo ip netns add ns1

It turns out that when you create a new network namespace, it doesn’t have any network interfaces at all! What does that mean? Let’s explore and see what it looks like:

We can run commands inside this new network namespace with sudo ip netns exec ns1 COMMAND. I’m just going to run a shell inside this network namespace, and then try out some things.

So let’s start with sudo ip netns exec ns1 bash

$ sudo ip netns exec ns1 bash
$ ifconfig
(no output)

That makes sense, this is a new network namespace so there are no network interfaces set up yet. Still inside that network namespace, let’s try to make a webserver and connect to it.

$ nc -l 8900 & # make a server on port 8900
$ netstat -tulpn # list open ports
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   PID/Program name
tcp        0      0    2918/nc 
$ curl localhost:8900
curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server

Okay, so this is sort of interesting. I can create a server on port 8900 with nc -l 8900. And netstat shows that that server exists. But when I try to curl localhost:8900, nothing happens!

What if I try to create a server listening on

sudo nc -l 8080
nc: Cannot assign requested address

Doesn’t work. Makes sense.

I think what’s happening here is:

  • nc -l 8900 is listening on, which means “all network interfaces”
  • but there are no network interfaces
  • so when we do curl localhost:8900, no packets actually get sent (when I ran tcpdump, no packets show up)
  • so nc never receives any packets

Let’s do an experiment to try to confirm our hypotheses: let’s add a network interface! The idea is that if we have a lo network interface, then curl localhost:8900 will actually send packets, nc will receive them, and everything will work.

$ ip link set dev lo up # this sets uo the 'lo' loopback interface
$ curl localhost:8900                                                                               
# BAM! this totally works! 
# the backgrounded netcat prints out this output:
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
Host: localhost:8900
Accept: */*

This is rad. What we know now:

  • if you don’t have any network interfaces, you can’t do any networking (but you can start servers on and netstat shows those servers)
  • when we add a network interface, our server starts working right away (without having to restart the server)

A packet can appear multiple times in tcpdump

Something I’ve been observing recently but haven’t fully understood is – sometimes I’ll be on a machine which has

  • virtual network interfaces for each container (vethXXXXXXX)
  • a bridge interface (cni0)
  • and a “real” network interface to the outside world (eth0)

When containers send packets to the outside world and I’m running sudo tcpdump -i any, I’ll see those packets 3 times.

I know a few more things about how tcpdump works:

  1. I can run sudo tcpdump -i cni0 to listen on a specific interface. When I do that, the packets appear only once
  2. tcpdump happens at the “beginning” of the network stack. I think that means that packets are captured by tcpdump when packets enter a network interface

What does “enter a network interface” actually mean, though? I tried to look at this 20,000 word article on the linux network stack and I think I have a workable theory!

What happens when a packet is created?

Okay, so I skimmed Monitoring and Tuning the Linux Networking Stack: Receiving Data and I think I have a working hypothesis for how packets

  • get assigned network interfaces
  • get captured by tcpdump
  • can be assigned more than one network interface

First thing first, this document refers to “network interfaces” as “network devices”. I think those are the same thing.

So!! Let’s say I create a packet on my computer.

step 0: iptables prerouting rules

step 1: the packet gets routed.

Routing a packet means “assigning it a network device”.

Let’s do a tiny experiment in routing – I have 3 interfaces on my computer right now

$ ifconfig
docker0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:ef:ab:0d:ac  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

enp0s25   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 3c:97:0e:55:b3:7g  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:

and here are the routes:

$ sudo ip route list table all
default via dev enp0s25  proto static  metric 100 dev docker0  scope link  metric 1000 linkdown dev docker0  proto kernel  scope link  src linkdown dev enp0s25  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 100 
local dev lo  table local  proto kernel  scope host  src 
local dev lo  table local  proto kernel  scope host  src 
local dev docker0  table local  proto kernel  scope host  src 

So – if I make a request to (curl, it seems like that would end up on the docker0 device. Right? Wrong, apparently.

If I run tcpdump -i lo packets to show up, and if I run tcpdump -i docker0, the packets don’t show up. So it seems right now, on my machine, packets sent to go through the lo device.

The reason they get sent to lo instead of docker0 is that there’s a route for in my route table that says local – the same reasons that packets to get sent to lo.

step 2 tcpdump gets the packet

This is pretty straightforward – once there’s a network device attached to the packet, then tcpdump gets the packet.

That’s all I know for now!

ok so what do we know about network interfaces?

Here’s what I think so far:

  • they can be physical network interfaces (like eth0) or virtual interfaces (like lo and docker0)
  • you can list them with ifconfig or ip link list
  • if you don’t have any network interfaces, your packets don’t enter the linux network stack at all really. To go through the network stack you need network interfaces.
  • When you send a packet to an IP address, your route table decides which network interface that packet goes through. This is one of the first things that happens in the network stack.
  • tcpdump captures packets after they’re routed (assigned an interface) Though there’s a PREROUTING chain in iptables that happens before routing!`

Some of this is probably wrong, let me know what! I’m on Twitter as always (

Telling people what you're working on Debugging netlink requests