Julia Evans

Using the Strict-Transport-Security header

I just updated my site today to use the Strict-Transport-Security (or “HSTS” as it’s often called) header, and I think it’s an interesting thing to know about so I thought I’d tell you all about it.

Extra disclaimer for web security posts: I’m not a security person, you should not take security advice from me, security is complicated. This is just what I understand so far! I think most of this is right but if it’s wrong let me know!

HTTPS is good

The idea behind the Strict-Transport-Security header is that if you have a HTTPS site (like github.com), you might want your users to always use the HTTPS version of your site.

Until yesterday, my site had a HTTP version and an HTTPS version. So you could go to http://jvns.ca or https://jvns.ca, depending on what you wanted! This was fine, because my site is a static HTML site and there’s no private content on it at all.

But a lot of sites do have private content, and should always use encryption! The standard practice if you always want your site to be served with HTTPS is:

  1. Don’t serve a HTTP version of your site at all. Always redirect HTTP to HTTPS (run curl -I http://github.com to see that they do a redirect to HTTPS!)
  2. Force browsers to never visit the HTTP version (not even once!), using the HSTS header and the “preload list”, which I’ll explain!

As I understand it, there are 2 reasons it isn’t enough to just redirect HTTP -> HTTPS is:

reason 1: If I go to http://github.com, by default my browser will send my GitHub cookies unencrypted, which is bad! Somebody could steal them! So it’s better if I never visit http://github.com at all, even if I type it in by accident or I click on a malicious link. You can also fix this by setting the secure flag on a cookie, though, which means it’ll never be sent over HTTP.

reason 2: If a sketchy free wifi portal starts serving a fake “github.com” site, then I don’t want my browser to be tricked. If my browser refuses to visit any HTTP version of github.com, ever, then I’m safer. An evil ISP can’t inject ads / malware into my website!

The Strict-Transport-Security header

Strict-Transport-Security is also knows as “HTTP Strict Transport Security” or “HSTS”. I’ll use “HSTS” and “Strict-Transport-Security” interchangeably.

Let’s start with an example of how GitHub uses the Strict-Transport-Security header and then we’ll talk about what it does!

First, if I try to go to http://github.com, I just get a redirect to the HTTPS version of the site. Here’s what that looks like

bork@kiwi~> curl -I http://github.com
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-length: 0
Location: https://github.com/
Connection: close

Next, when I visit https://github.com, you can see that they return this header called Strict-Transport-Security

bork@kiwi~> curl -I https://github.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: GitHub.com
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2017 17:36:21 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 OK
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload
(a bunch more stuff removed)

So, what does this Strict-Transport-Security header mean? “Strict-Transport-Security” is a way to to tell browsers “hey, never visit the HTTP version of this site ever”.

So after I visit https://github.com one time in my browser, it will never visit http://github.com again. If I write http://github.com it’ll just pretend I wrote https.

The preload list

Okay, so you set the Strict-Transport-Security header! That’s awesome, but the first time someone tries to go to http://github.com they’ll still visit the insecure version one time.

So browsers do another thing called the “preload list”. The idea here is that Chrome & Firefox will download a list of sites which should all use HTTPS. If a site is on the list.

If you want to apply to have your site added to the list, you can do it at https://hstspreload.org/. You can see GitHub’s status at https://hstspreload.org/?domain=github.com. (they’re on the list!)

why did I turn it on?

I put an embedded payment form in this blog post (from Gumroad). The payments were definitely made using HTTPS either way (Gumroad embedded a secure iframe in my site), so you might think it doesn’t matter if the site is HTTP or HTTPS!

But, if your site has both HTTP and HTTPS content, then users’ browsers will show a “mixed content warning”.

The reason mixed content is bad is – any HTTP content can be interfered with! So if I have a HTTP page with a secure payments thing embedded in it, someone could replace the secure payments thing with an Evil Bad Payments Thing. That would be no good! If everything on the page is HTTPS, then we know it’s all for sure from who it says it is.

The other reason that I find compelling is – sometimes ISPs will inject ads into sites. I don’t want ads injected into my site! I want people to see my site exactly how I intended them to see it. If my site is always served with HTTPS, I can be confident nobody has done anything sketchy to it.

There’s also an argument to be made that HTTPS can be faster than HTTP (for sites that support HTTP/2, which mine does because I use Cloudflare). I don’t actually know if my site is faster with HTTPS, but that blog post is really interesting and you should read it.

HSTS: you can’t go back

I use Cloudflare’s free version, and I turned on HSTS with Cloudflare by clicking an “Enable HSTS”. Before letting me do it, I had to read the following warnings:

If you have HSTS enabled and leave Cloudflare, you need to continue to support HTTPS through a new service provider otherwise your site will become inaccessible to visitors until you support HTTPS again.

If you turn off Cloudflare’s HTTPS while HSTS is enabled, and you don’t have a valid SSL certificate on your origin server, your website will become inaccessible to visitors.

This is kind of scary! Basically browsers will really refuse the visit the HTTP version of your site after you turn on HSTS. So you’d better make sure that you can keep having a HTTPS version of your site forever. This is what the max-age setting is for (I set it to 1 month to start because I was nervous and that was the lowest setting they’d let me use). This is why I didn’t turn on HSTS right away when I first made a HTTPS version for my site.

Luckily, these days anyone can get a free SSL/TLS certificate with Let’s Encrypt so even if I stop using Cloudflare, I can pretty easily get a TLS certificate for my site and keep providing a secure version.

That said, if you’re gonna turn on HSTS it’s extremely important to make sure that you’re prepared to keep serving a secure site indefinitely.


Technically the fact that my site uses HTTPS doesn’t mean that everything on the site is from me – Cloudflare actually owns the TLS certificate for my site, and they can (and do!) add stuff to my website, like a Google analytics code.

I’m okay with this because I trust Cloudflare not to add anything evil to my site, but I think it’s still useful to keep in mind.

how can I tell if my site is using the HSTS header properly?

Great question! There’s a site called https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze.html that you can use to give you a report card!

For example:

You can see that GitHub gets an A+ (yay!) and that I get an F (aw.). I think this is okay because my site doesn’t set any cookies with sensitive information, but it kinda makes me feel like I should increase my site’s rating now =).

that’s all!

There are a lot of security headers to know about. Here’s a partial list:

  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • Strict-Transport-Security

I think those three are the most important?

and there’s also

  • Public-Key-Pins
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-XSS-Protection
  • … and more!

The Mozilla Web Security Guidelines looks to me like a good reference if you want to understand what some specific header does.

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