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Julia Evans

PyData NYC (I gave a machine learning talk! yay!)

This past weekend I went to PyData NYC. It was super fun! I got to meet some people who do machine learning in different fields than me (THE BEST) and a guy at the bar told me about his classmates’ adventures in hacking login systems in Novell Netware. (Also the best. It turns out that one of the nice things about having a blog is that people occasionally come up to me at conferences and tell me GREAT THINGS).

And I gave my first-ever machine learning talk! I often feel like the main (only?) thing I’ve learned about machine learning so far is how important it is to evaluate your models and make sure they’re actually getting better. So I gave a talk called “Recalling with precision” about that (a terrible pun courtesy of @avibryant).

The basic structure:

  1. You’re building models, and you do lots of experiments
  2. You want to remember all of the results forever, so that you can tell if you’re improving
  3. Some arguments for why it’s important to evaluate whether your models actually work (for an example of what can go wrong, see The Value Added Teacher Model Sucks).
  4. “Just remember everything forever” is much easier said than done
  5. So let’s describe a lightweight system to actually remember some things forever! (basically: store training results in S3 forever; make a webapp to draw lots of graphs using those results)
  6. It exists! It’s open source.

(It’s still pretty new. If you try it and have thoughts, let me know?)

People asked lots of questions, so I think it may have been useful. It’s hard to tell, with talks :)

Some things I learned at PyData: (links largely taken from Michael Becker’s great wrap-up post)

csvkit is great

Sasha Laundy (who is fantastic) gave a totally wonderful talk called “How to make your future data scientists love you”. She told some great data horror stories about missing data, data that you can’t join, and talked about some basic tools for auditing datasets to make sure that it’s actually possible to answer questions about data. And she talked about practical, useful tools like csvkit! I have already discovered that it includes the amazing csvlook which will format your csv in a human-readable table.

Her talk reminded me of when I used to work for a consulting company and how hard it is to communicate with clients about what data they need to provide for you to be able to answer the questions. Communication is hard.

Automatically training models?

I’m usually pretty skeptical when people talk about automatically training models. Dan Blanchard described a framework called SKLL for using scikit-learn a little more easily which seemed plausible to me. Basically you tell it which models you’re interested in experimenting with (decision trees? random forests? SVM?), make a config file, and it’ll train all of them and give you predictions and serialized models.

It has a well-written tutorial. Good documentation makes me so happy.

Blaze: a different way to run queries

I talked to the folks at Continuum Analytics a little bit about Blaze.

As I understand it, it’s a library that translates pandas-like queries

negative_balances = t[t.balance < 0]
negative_balances[['user', 'date', 'balance']]

into SQL queries

SELECT merchant, date, balance
FROM table
WHERE balance < 0

And it supports more than one database backend! Like CSVs, HDF5 files, and maybe some other weird formats.

I’m still not sure if it’s useful to me and it’s in a pretty early stage. But, neat!

Things I missed

A few things I want to remind myself to look at later:

Harm reduction for developers LD_PRELOAD is super fun. And easy!