Results of a survey I posted on Mastodon (I also ran the same survey on Bluesky, bluesky results are here)

How long have you been using the terminal?

How old are you?

Which shell(s) do you use?

Do you use your system's default shell?

What OS do you use a Unix terminal on?

Which terminal emulator(s) do you use?

Do you use a terminal-based editor (like vim or nano)?

If you need to use an editor in the terminal, which one do you use?

Do you customize your terminal's colorscheme?

If your terminal gets "messed up" (for example text displaying wrong, your cursor disappearing, etc), how do you handle it?

What kinds of things do you configure in your shell?

Do you use job control? (bg, fg, Ctrl-Z, etc)

Do you know what this does? `cmd > file.txt 2>&1`

Do you manage your files using the terminal, or using a GUI file manager?

When installing a new program, how confident do you feel updating your PATH?

How comfortable do you feel redirecting a command's output to a file?

If you see this in your terminal: "ESC[34mfile.txtESC[39;49mESC[0m", do you know what's going on?

Which of these environment variables have you set intentionally?

Do you use "vi mode" in your shell?

Which Ctrl- keyboard shortcuts do you use in your terminal?

Do you ever use keyboard shortcuts with "Alt" in them in the terminal?

How do you navigate files in `less`?

Which of these do you use to redirect/pipe?

Which of these terminal tasks do you feel confident doing?

How do you use job control?

Which of these tricks do you use when piping commands?

How do you search the history of commands you ran?

If you press an arrow key and it prints out "^[[D" do you know why that happens?

Do you always know how to quit terminal programs?

Do you ever get put into "vim" in an unwanted way? How big of a problem is it for you?

Do you use a terminal multiplexer like tmux/screen? If so, which one(s)?